Our History
CLdN's history goes back to 1929 and is deeply connected with that of Cobelfret – a global leader in the bulk shipping sector. In 2011 the two activities started operating as independent entities with CLdN focusing on short sea shipping, ports and multimodal transport.

Dieschburg & Cigrang, later renamed as Cigrang Frères, is established as a commodity trading company in Antwerp.
The shipping company Compagnie Belge d'Affrètements (with cable address: COBELFRET) is founded.

First RoRo services start between Antwerp and Harwich with Cobelfret acting as agent. The company takes over the line fully in 1974.
Start-up of door-to-door cargo service.

CLdN starts a Zeebrugge-Purfleet line and acquires the Purfleet terminal on the river Thames the following year.

CLdN fleet expansion with the order of Kawasaki class RoRo vessels.

Gothenburg service starts, initially focusing on the transport of forestry products. Container line started between Belgium and Ireland, initially as a Lo-Lo service.

Further fleet expansion with investment in Kyokuyo, ConRo and Humbermax class vessels.
CLdN grows port infrastructure, taking (increased) ownership of Zeebrugge, Killingholme, Purfleet, Rotterdam and Vlissingen terminals.
First automotive shipments start from Vlissingen terminal.
Ireland service shifts to RoRo.

CLdN established as a separate entity, headquartered in Luxembourg.

CLdN services to / from Portugal (Leixoes) start.

CLdN services to / from Spain (Santander) start.
Major fleet expansion with delivery of 4 H5 class vessels (5,000 lm) and 2 G9 class vessels (8,000 lm) built and delivered. Two further G9s will be delivered in 2025.

CLdN becomes leader in its peer group for fleet CO2 efficiency. Delivery of new LNG H5s – Seraphine and Faustine.

Acquisition of Seatruck Ferries in the UK, adding to CLdN’s offering on the Irish Sea.

Acquisition of Distriport terminal in Rotterdam.